Saturday, August 29, 2015

Review: Curtis, Edward and Christopher Cardozo, ed. Hidden Faces (Native Nations Series). NY: Christopher Cardozo, 1997.

Actual book cover (does not include text)
I found Hidden Faces in the university database and put in a request without examining the book description.  I was a bit disappointed when a couple of days later the librarian handed me a volume I could carry in my hip pocket.  The book features approximately 50 images of mostly Navaho and Kwakiutl, the two tribes that produced and used ceremonial masks.  As the title makes clear, this is a collection of concealed faces, mostly by masks, though a few painted visages are also included. Bits of text lifted from The North American Indian describing the actor or the ceremony provide bite-sized bits of context.  In a volume this size, there is little more that can be offered.  Paper stock is weighty enough that printing on reverse doesn’t bleed through and the quality of image reproduction is quite high.  Still, this is not really something one might buy for a collection so much as an inexpensive gift.

Unfortunately this is the only volume on Curtis in the country’s university library system.  Having a poke around the internet I found a torrent of what appears to be scans of images from all 20 volumes of The North American Indian, Curtis’s monumental document of late 19th and early 20th century remnants of Native American tribes of the western United States.  What is most striking is the number of images of objects such as pottery, clothing, paintings, bags and satchels, dwellings, and flora.   Most reviews or collections – like Hidden Faces -   feature portraits, men on horseback, or dramatic landscapes.  For examples, click through for the rest of the post.

From Vol 2:

 Vol 6:

Then there are the images that seem to have been so heavily processed they have the appearance of a painting:

Vol 4:


There are several hand-colored images.  

Vol 4:

Vol 5:

And more than a few that appear out-of-focus.

Vol 7:

Anyone interested in this collection, search for:  Edward S. Curtis's The North American Indian - (Malestrom)


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