Saturday, February 7, 2015

P&P: Exercise 3: Light

It's been too long since I last posted an exercise.  There were many excuses for doing so but won't go into them here.  Suffice to say I feel I've been stuck and in order to get unstuck I need to post whatever I've got and build up a little momentum.  Since all the stuff for the first assignment isn't included in the course mark, I feel more free to post less than what I'm happy with on the chance that I'll get back into a regular groove.

This exercise calls for four to six head-and-shoulder images of the same model under different lighting conditions in order to demonstrate the effect of light on the face. As I don't have a model to drag around town, I shot myself using the Nikon D5100 with remote release.

The photos here are much like those I did for an assignment for a previous course:

(Outtake:  800is0, 5.6, 0.8)