Tuesday, March 3, 2015

P&P: Exercise 4: Active Portrait

The brief here was to produce a set of images in which the subject was not posing for the camera, but engaged in an activity.  The purpose here was not to document the activity, but to capture the subject unaffected.

Apon is a young Bangladeshi assigned to clean the classrooms in my wing of the building.  I usually see him every evening immediately following conclusion of class as mine room is the last of the night.  I recorded him for a couple of evenings and found the biggest problem is that he likes performing for the camera.  Technically, the yellow walls seem to make the images a shade of sickly, so I reduced saturation to try and create something more palatable.

I don't feel these are the best images I can do, but I'm anxious to make some headway here in the course and don't want to get bogged down in perfecting the set.  Ideally, I'd like a faster lens, because even shooting at high ISO I still got a bit of blur and motion in the image.  Not always bad, but I'd prefer something cleaner (no pun intended).



  1. Hi Jeff, How is P&P going for you? I got held up around Xmas time but have picked up and am moving again, I'm quite enjoying this ,module as its making me think about a lot more things than normal. Keep Going

  2. Thank you for the encouragement, Jonesy. It got me out of the house to complete another exercise this weekend. I really appreciate you checking in on me and apologize for not having done the same for you lately.

  3. Its always interesting looking at how people approach their exercises and assignments plus we've been running along at roughly the same pace together I think from the start. In a classroom people always help each other along, its harder in the virtual world! Have you started thinking about level 2 yet? I will choose Landscape and one other but not sure what. I think our 5 year protected fees will get us a discount for just 2 more years but still a sizeable saving

  4. I recently bought on ebay a secondhand Nikon 35mm f/2 AFD lens. These are 1/3 the price of a f/1.8 G lens. You could pick up a 50mm f/1.8 D lens new for less than £100 GBP. I think with photography its a bit like a golf swing. Self critique is great but dont try and change everything at the same time but do experiment doing something a bit different. I seem to have had a recent flurry and now not far from Assignment 4
