Saturday, October 25, 2014

Portrait Hunting

I've been engaged lately with work on my MA and haven't had much enthusiasm for shooting portraits.  I have managed, though, to find the nerve to begin approaching people and asking for photos.  A few of these are included here.  As with most things of this kind, I found my fear to be greater than the reality.  No one has yet turned me down.  On the other hand, you may note there is only one image of a woman, and this I took without permission.

One downside to shooting people is that you have to spend time talking to them.  I can't just ask for a photo, shoot it, and be done.  To get an image with some animation, you need to engage the person.  It's a lot like my teaching job.  I'm good at it.  Been doing it for 25+ years.  But really I would prefer not to do this now as part of my photography.  It requires more energy than I interested in investing.  Perhaps when I stop teaching and have less regular interaction with large numbers of people, I'll appreciate it more.

Whilst shooting one of the people here, I was approached by a young Pakistani man about finding a job.  He thought I was the owner of the shop in front of which I was shooting.  Having overheard me chatting with the subject, he described me as a kind and friendly person.

There you go.


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